
oυκ ωρχιπεδισας

Tereus: All right, then, what kind of city would you like to live in?

Euelpides: I'd like a city where my biggest problem

would be something like this--in the morning

a friend comes to my door and says to me,

"In the name of Olympian Zeus, take a bath,

an early one, you and your children,

then come to my place for the wedding feast

I'm putting on. Don't disappoint me now.

If you do, then don't come looking for me

when my affairs get difficult for me."

Tereus: By heaven, you poor man, you do love trouble.
What about you?

Peisetairos: I'd like the same.

Tereus: Like what?

Peisetairos: To have the father of some handsome lad

come up to me, as if I'd done him wrong,

and tell me off with some complaint like this--

"A fine thing there is between you and my son,

you old spark. You met him coming back

from the gymnasium, after his bath--

you didn't kiss or greet him with a hug,

or even try
tickling his testicles--
yet you're a friend of mine, his father."

Tereus: How you yearn for problems, you unhappy man.


At 6:53 PM, Blogger Mr. Tarvin said...

*still laughing*


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