More Porch???

We are the easily-tired
of busy work
and pointless points
and constant misconceptions.
Evening soothes our souls --
we are the easily-amused
by passing cars and passing lives,
safely perched on porch thrones,
crunching chilly cheap delights between our teeth.
We are the left-behind,
always learning too late
just what we lost.
No pleas
or pardons
bring us back again.
And so we stumble
along the path,
each day and then
forgetting what we declare.
We share our thoughts and we swear
that one day our thoughts will apply.
When is long too long and far too far?
When discovery,
when peace?
We are misled.
I pine for pop-ice-appropriate weather. until then I will have to be satisfied with snuggling up next to the indifferent monkey.
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