Lazy River

The Indifferent Monkey knew that the supposed reasons were really just a collection of wildly-exaggerated tales, but the bantering continued nonetheless. He, of course, was not affected by the assertions of friends, nor was he concerned with outcomes except where the mere principle was concerned. So it was that he called a halt to the meandering passage of the ritual ride. So it was that he led the descent into that dank, dark parking deck. So it was that he picked up that grimy receiver, punched those little silver buttons until that familiar voice strick his little round ear, echoing across the leagues. Spokes creaked, yearning for speed. Bricks groaned, protesting unwanted burdens. Furry tails twitched -- not nervous, but expectant -- a summer night that rustles restless before the storm. He spoke:
We know there are no reasons
for anything.
Lazy river,
and we by chance have fallen in,
merely sticks, broken free.
Our paths are set the moment we
hit the churning water --
No word or deed will change our course in the end.
We never know what to
do until, at last, we
know what
we should have
then forgotten.
Just a hand to hold,
eyes to look in,
words worth saying,
if it should end, after all.
No validation of life,
no res gestae to scribble,
but at least a memory, at least.
Most important now is soon replaced.
tons in closets.
To him the emphasis is on message, not reply. The deck echoed as the coins dropped, the call completed. There was no change in expression, of course. Just that old familiar smirk. And as they sped away, those who had asserted once continued to assert, and so the world spun on. Ask that monkey about that payphone now, and it was just one more stop along the way.
The gargoyle is a hidden treat. You can only see it on high resolutions (above 1024, depending).
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