Recap, II

Interlocutor 'The Cynic':
"I've turned into a cynic. I see all these people who think they are happy. Its not going to last! The feeling goes away!"
The Indifferent Monkey:
When is long too long and far too far?
When discovery,
when peace?
We are misled.Interlocutor 'The Cynic':
"So it's not just me(?)"
The Indifferent Monkey:
You can walk it home straight from school
You can kiss it, you can break all the rules
but still...
Everything is broken.
Everyone is broken.

Poseidon: "What are you looking at? You see this finger? This finger has raised the fury of the waves and smashed heroes. I think that mortal Homer had it about right when he said:
With that he rammed the clouds together--both hands
clutching his trident--churned the waves into chaos, whipping
all the gales from every quarter, shrouding over in thunderheads
the earth and sea at once--and night swept down from the sky--
East and South Winds clashed and the raging West and North,
sprung from the heavens, roiled heaving breakers up--
and Odysseus' knees quaked, his spirit too;
numb with fear he spoke to his own great heart:
'Wretched man--what becomes of me now, at last?'
So you best check yourself before you get in my face, son."
The Indifferent Monkey: "..........."
Artemis: "Zeus on a cracker--give it a rest, Poseidon."