The Indifferent Monkey
Poor Lepidus

"...[T]he peace with Sextus Pompeius [not Magnus] did not last. Octavian was presented with Sardinia through the defection of one of Pompeius' lieutenants, and planned to invade Sicily, but Pompeius and a storm shattered his fleet and his hopes[.] Octavian's chief diplomatic agent and adviser, the Etruscan Gaius Maecenas, helped to persuade Antony to send reinforcements; Lepidus agreed to bring his legions over from Africa. When the attack was finally launched (1 July 36), Octavian himself was defeated, but Agrippa saved the day. Sicily fell, and Pompeius fled to the East, where Antony's generals hunted him to death. Lepidus thought Sicily should be his and ordered Octavian to leave the island. Octavian, 'though unarmed and dressed in a civilian cloak, bearing nothing but his name' (Velleius ii.80), entered Lepidus' camp, and Lepidus' soldiers came over to him en masse. Velleius omits to mention that Octavian had already been tampering with their loyalty (Appian, Civil Wars, v.124). Lepidus begged for mercy, was magnanimously allowed to retain his property and the office of pontifex maximus, and departed to twenty-four years of inglorious retirement at Circeii, a small town in Latium famous for its oysters."
Experted from Colin Wells, The Roman Empire, 20-21.

Are you one of the beautiful people
Is my name on the list
Wanna be of the beautiful people
Wanna feel like I’m missed
Hey you with the walkie talkie
I know my clothes are not right
I wish I had my own walkie talkie
That reached to God every night
Everyone needs to be somebody
Everyone needs to find someone who cares
But I don’t know if you know what I mean
’cause I’m never on your list
Are you one of the beautiful people
Am I on the wrong track
Sometimes it feels like I’m made of eggshell
And it feels like I’m gonna crack
Everyone needs to be somebody
Everyone needs to find someone who cares
But I don’t know if you know what I mean
’cause I’m never on your list
Is my name on the list
Wanna be of the beautiful people
Wanna feel like I’m missed
Hey you with the walkie talkie
I know my clothes are not right
I wish I had my own walkie talkie
That reached to God every night
Everyone needs to be somebody
Everyone needs to find someone who cares
But I don’t know if you know what I mean
’cause I’m never on your list
Are you one of the beautiful people
Am I on the wrong track
Sometimes it feels like I’m made of eggshell
And it feels like I’m gonna crack
Everyone needs to be somebody
Everyone needs to find someone who cares
But I don’t know if you know what I mean
’cause I’m never on your list
De Sole

And so she woke up,
Woke up from where she was lying still.
Said I gotta do something
About where we're going.
Step on a steam train
Step out of the driving rain, maybe
Run from the darkness in the night.
Sweet the sin, bitter the taste in my mouth.
I see Seven Towers, but I only see one way out.
You gotta cry without weeping, talk without speaking,
Scream without raising your voice.
You know I took the poison from the poison stream,
Then I floated out of here.
She walks through the streets
With her eyes painted red
Under a black belly of cloud in the rain.
In through a doorway
She brings me white golden pearls,
stolen from the sea.
She is raging.
She is raging.
And a storm blows up in her eyes.
She will suffer the needle chills.
She's running to stand still.
Maybe We Can Make a Deal
The Gnome sang along:I remember we were driving
driving in your car/
the speed so fast / I felt like I was drunk/
city lights lay out before us /
and your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
and I had a feeling that I belonged /
and I had a feeling that I could be someone
be someone
be someone...
The Monkey just shook his head and he wondered if he could belong, be someone, be someone. Of course, the city lights always had that effect, and soon they were receding in the rear view mirror, and The Indifferent Monkey was himself again. The Gnome was oblivious, but the city lights were always only a short drive away.